You are now entering an exclusive vacuum zone which has limited access allowance. Please read with utmost attention and follow instructions to ensure survival.

As the title says, this is where I would be sharing about what’s going to happen at Wandering Soul in the coming days.

It usually would be, but not restricted to, updates about a new look or a new feature or even a post that I may be working on. Hopefully, I may be able to give you timelines about when that update will be in effect, but that may not be always the case, as aliens are quite unpredictable in their appearances. (You probably have already figured that out, by now.)

So, last year there were quite a few upheavals that had happened here. The look of the blog was completely revamped. Apart from the changes in the header image and colour scheme, the sidebar on the right also indicates evidence of alien influence. Hope you know what I am talking about. (If not, please go back to check and then revisit this page. Re-entry in this zone will be subject to mandatory security clearances.)

September 2017

A lot of things are happening at the same time. Have been sharing all that with you in blogs. Hope you’ve been with me through the crazy days. Work on the novel still continues. Sigh!

I am also thinking of revamping the look of the blog again, for the upcoming second anniversary. What do you think? 

June 2017

Life is crazy busy. I am still working on my novel which is far from being publish-ready. Unable to blog as regularly as I would have liked. But I shall be back soon.

November 2016

Mock, Stalk & Quarrel is now out and available for purchase. Do grab a copy from the nearest bookstore or on AmazonAmazon.

August 2016

Beyond Coffee and Words is now live and both Rashmi and I are looking forward to your visit. 🙂

July 2016

Major things developing at the back end. Look out for the big reveal. 🙂

April 2016 Update

Have crossed 400 followers, so I am too busy dancing, jumping, prancing, skipping and hopping. The music is turned on full blast. Ditch your sandals and join in the jumping.

Oh, did I tell you I started working on my novel? And I crossed 400 followers.

March 2016 Update

Starting this month, I am hosting a Story Continuation Challenge. Every Tuesday, a one line prompt would be shared. The first one is here.

February 2016 Update 2 

Wandering Soul and Lost series have been featured on Qwerty Thoughts and starting February 14th, every fortnight a new part would be released online. I am thrilled about this development and am really excited about the feedback from people who follow the site.Qwerty01

Additionally, after Where Art Thou was picked up by QSM, I have become a ‘regular contributor’ and am looking forward to writing articles for my favorite humour magazine. Please make sure you subscribe to it and read my articles there too. The magazine has side-splitting articles and anecdotes from other writers too.


Quirky, Snarkey, Malarkey Magazine

February 2016 Update 1

As Lost series draws to a close, I am looking at re-visiting some of my old posts and stories in an attempt to become better at my craft. Please bear with my if I re-publish a post you’ve read earlier. Please be generous with feedback. 🙂

January 2016 Update

“Out with the old, in with the New”, they say. So, even though this blog had been around for just a little over 2 months, there are some major changes in the pipeline.
New look. New features. New categories. In fact, even a new me. Although a new me would take more than just a few days. But, I’ll get there. Uh.. I promise!

As you’re already aware that Weekly Wonders has been done away with, it is being replaced with something more interesting and challenging.

The new features that are coming up over the next few days are –

  • Meet the “Challenge”
    This would be a weekly feature where I respond to various photo/writing prompts and challenges. Head here to read or view my interpretation of the prompts giving by Blogging U., Daily Post, Weekly Photo Challenge or any other such event.
  • From Around the World
    Much to my dislike, I will once-in-while shift the attention away from Me, Myself and (no, not Irene) Wandering Soul to another post/blog/blogger. This will be where you will find all the posts that I have re-blogged. This is solely dependent on my mood, whims and fancies, and requests from other bloggers probably will not be entertained. (Unless of course they promise to find me the treasure at the end of the rainbow!) This is also where I will share other interesting articles or photos that I come across from around the internet.
  • Spotlight

    All bloggers are writers, but all writers are not bloggers.

    So, even though my personal goal is to focus on my writing; every once in a while, I will throw the spotlight on a fellow blogger and host them to guest post something of their choice. Here, I give them full freedom – photography, food, art and craft, personal stories, humour, inspirational, whatever they usually write about or even if they don’t. 🙂 Since the spotlight is on their blog, I would urge you to visit them too and leave comments on their blog. Requests from other bloggers would be given due consideration, only upon adequate bribes of chocolates and cheesecakes. (Ooppss, what happened to the new me…?!! Okay, I’ll scrap the cheesecakes and chocolates and make do with just endless praises of me and the blog.)

Of Course, my own posts will continue to get added on. The categories, however, will be –

  • Laughter Club
    We all need a bit of cheering up now and then. Even me, who is the epitome of positivity and optimism. So, here is the space where you have to enter at your own risk. (Had to put that somewhere!)
  • World of Make Belief
    Welcome to inside my head where everything is as ridiculous as it appears. Here is where you will get to read all the fiction that I create in my little bubble that the world calls imagination.

What do you think of the new features? Do they sound interesting?

In the meanwhile, please browse around, read the posts, chat with Jadoo and once you are done, hit like, share, follow  and everything else (just spare my head!) as well as whatever else you can do to publicize this blog.

Thanks for visiting. Please mind your head (and sanity) on your way back!