All bloggers are writers, but all writers are not bloggers.

Even though my personal goal is to focus on my writing; every once in a while, I will throw the spotlight on a fellow blogger and host them to write a guest post on a topic of their choice. Here, I give them full freedom – photography, food, art and craft, personal stories, humour, inspirational, whatever they usually write about or even if they don’t. 🙂 Since the ‘spotlight’ is on them and their blog, I would urge you to visit them too and leave comments on their blog.

Requests from other bloggers would be given due consideration, only upon adequate bribes of chocolates and cheesecakes. (Ooppss, what happened to the new me…?!! Okay, I’ll scrap the cheesecakes and chocolates and make do with just endless praises of me and the blog.)

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