12 Nov Blogger Recognition Award!
I have been a part of Blogosphere for about 10 days now… and have read and interacted with other blogs and written some posts which have been well appreciated by my readers.
While I am glad that I am able to write something worth their while, I am more honored that they stopped by and took time to read and like what I wrote and am thrilled to have received all the positive comments. It makes me content to know that it made some people laugh and gave inspiration to others for their own post. But all this while, I was just being myself – Butting in on every conversation, jumping in and giving my opinion everywhere and even forcing others to do my bidding! For evidence about the last one, read comment thread here – The Rat and the Carpet Snake – The Classic Children’s Tale .
That’s the whole purpose of being here: to be able to meet and interact new people, know about and learn from them. This has already been happening in the past 10 days – me getting inspired by and emulating others, that is. (Didn’t know I was giving inspiration to others’ too!) And, in the middle of all this, people like Anand (of blabberwockying!) who himself happens to be an amazing blogger and human being, goes ahead and awards me with the Blogger Recognition Award. (See post here – The Blogger Recognition Award Round Six!) To receive this from someone who has such an impactful and positive presence, is indeed inspiring. I must be doing something right, afterall! 🙂
I usually maintain that I am from outer space, but this really did catapult me there. 🙂 Thanks Anand. I humbly accept the award and promise to keep up with whatever I have been doing.
Rules (as usual have gone ahead and put my stamp on this too)
- Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to. (I would like to give to those who I think have impacted me, so may be less than the stipulated number. This is not to say others are less deserving, just that I haven’t discovered them yet)
- You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you. (Ok, but I would still like to give a Special Acknowledgement to Anand for the reasons mentioned above)
- Write a post to show your award.
- Give a brief story of how your blog started.
- Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers.
- Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
- Attach the award badge to the post (right click and save, then upload.)
- Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them
- Provide a link to the original post on Edge of the Night (I would have preferred to link to my own blog but can’t for fear of being labelled a rebel. Besides I am stickler for rules. Darn!)
My Story
I always had a keen interest in reading and writing. But somehow, over the years, lost touch with writing. Suffering from a quarter-life crisis and ample time on my hands led me to write again. I did not know how much of it would work out but Blogging U. courses have been a huge help and source of guidance. So thank you @michelleweber and @cherilucas and all others at Blogging U. You do come up with great content and assignments.
Advice to new bloggers
Really, I am actually doing this. :O Ok, i would just say one thing – read a lot and write just as much. It’s good learning and practice respectively.
(And read my blog. You may comment too occasionally. Infact you can click on other links and posts and browse around. And follow my blog. And did, I say, read and comment. And Follow, you must follow! Share… Post on facebook. Send email to your friends and family. Ask them to also follow and read.. and comment… and like and share …ok.. ok. I know, you get the drift)
My Awardees
This is the exciting part. Sharing the names of all the bloggers who made me laugh, cry, bawl, tear my hair out (well, not really) Please do visit them. You’d be missing something if you don’t!
- Stories from Across the Street This is that one blog that actually tell you stories about people. Read about and then implement the lesson in your personal interactions.
- Starting the Climb A 19 year old who already knows what she wants. Who wouldn’t want to have that clarity and purpose in life. At 19, all I wanted was a boyfriend! Read my favourite post of hers here – New Beginnings
- Sass and Sauce With a title like that, it is impossible to resist reading every post of hers. And every post is as sassy and saucy, as the title promises. Read these if you don’t believe me – The Perils of Blogging.
- Flight and Scarlet – Another cat lover, her stories of Matrix will regale you for hours. Check one out – 18 Places Kittens Will Go That You Don’t Want Them To
- Kidscrumbsandcrackers Lisa usually writes stuff that is bound to make you smile but once in a while she comes out with a post like this that brings a tear or two. Read it here. The train is at the station
- ScribblingParrot A blog that is well-written and has something to take away in every post. His post on how to increase readership is particularly useful to new bloggers. Tips on How to Increase Blog Readership
- Just Consider It Emily is extremely supportive and is definitely impacting the blogosphere with her thought-provoking writing. Her posts are filled with positivity and humour. About Me
- What Sandra thinks This is a must read because you really just have to know what she thinks. She is extremely supportive and helpful, and her posts are laugh-out-loud funny. Check out Identity Neurosis .
- On the Road through Marica is extremely courageous and her travel tales will inspire you too. Read all about her first solo travel here . Sure inspired me to pack my bags and take off on a solo trip.
Thank you all you nominees for being such an inspiration and making blogosphere so beautiful. And, Congrats! Wish you lots of success with your life – online and offline 🙂
I hope you will all enjoy reading these blogs as much as I do. And feel free to follow and share them.. Ok. Ok. I’m gone. 🙂
There are many other such blogs who are making a real difference. Anyone you know who has impacted you and deserves to be nominated, let us know in the comment box below.
Look forward to all the comments and feedback.
Posted at 16:33h, 12 NovemberThanks for the nomination! It might be a while until I write a post & nominate others, but just wanted to let you know that I appreciate it! I’m glad you enjoy my blog 🙂
Posted at 16:46h, 12 NovemberWow this is great! Thank you very much for the nomination! Btw how’d you put pictures of your awards in your blog?
Wandering Soul
Posted at 16:52h, 12 NovemberSeb, through Widgets – Gallery – Insert Pic
Posted at 16:55h, 12 NovemberGot it thanks!
Posted at 17:18h, 12 NovemberThanks for accepting the award and kind words and now that we are friends I can safely say that I have difficulty reading the font because of your background so others might also have it. No need to panic though! You are doing fine. PLease take your time and work on it when you are free. To realize this you can either take opinion of other bloggers or visit others and see and compare.
You did a great job with pingbacks this time 🙂
Thanks for acknowledgement 🙂
Love and light <3
Anand 🙂
Wandering Soul
Posted at 05:39h, 13 Novemberyou could have told me earlier. shall rectify it right away! 🙂 and thank you. i know i took really long to respond but i wanted to do it properly. am glad the pingbacks worked well. had laboured over them for quite sometime.
Posted at 07:43h, 13 NovemberYou did a great job, no need to rectify now and believe me, I have taken two months sometimes to respond to awards so you are very early by any stretch. It is wonderful if someone responds 🙂
Thank you!
Love and light <3
Anand 🙂
Posted at 20:26h, 12 NovemberWow, thank you very much! I will work on my acceptance post tomorrow, I also want to say thank you because your blog posts never fail to cheer me up
Posted at 22:40h, 12 NovemberThank you soo much for this nomination and your nice words 🙂 I am so happy about your upcoming trip, I can’t wait to read about it and see the photos! Marica
Posted at 23:31h, 12 NovemberI was quite groggy and bleary-eyed at 4:30 this morning, I was reading this post by email when I suddenly noticed you were discussing ‘how to win friends and influence people’ and i thought ‘hullo, that’s me!’. I was ruminating (I do love a good ruminate) over the fact that you actually thought you’d made me change the picture until I woke up and realised that you were nominating me for this awrd. What you wrote about me was very touching, and I appreciate your friendship a lot, and you can comment on my blog any which way you wish. Not only that, but you’ve nominated me for a Cyberhug Award too, and it was on a day where I sorely needed it. Perhaps one day you might travel to Australia, and come and bother me in person. Thank you so much for nominating me for both these awards, fellow cat lover!