200+ Followers!
YAYY!!!! Tak Dhin-a-dhin dhin-a-dhin tak dhin-a-dhin! Ooo La La La... heeeeeyaaaaaa! tamamatamamam ...aaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeee....... (standing up on the table, dancing like a crazed maniac!)
So, now that the jig is over, getting down to business.
I would like to thank God, my parents,
Jadoo, my readers,
Blogger's World,
Blogging U., my writing desk (it's brand new, by the way), my laptop (old but as good as new), my fingers, my coffee mug, my phone (it's broken! someone gift me a new one), my diary, my floor lamp, my hair dresser, my manicurist, my gardener...... (starts dancing again)
Wait, do I even have a gardener?! Who did I just thank?! Aah... that reminds me... Thank those who awarded me. Get down to business.