
After two weeks of being a couch potato and idle lazing around, I finally decided to turn around and make use of this so called “break” to follow my long lost loves. And the first step in that direction was discipline. So, just as I was drifting off to sleep last night, I decided to follow a morning routine, just as I would, had I been at office. Make a cup of coffee and sit down at my make-shift “work table” and read a few articles, browse a few blogs and then if inspiration struck attempt to write something of my own.

The first thoughts would most certainly have been of regret – and that’s what I had initially decided to write about, as part of the one-word inspiration assignment on my Writing101 course. Regret  – my life is full of it, and I wouldn’t have much trouble filling up reams and reams about it.

Just as I was deciding how to set my work table, my thoughts drifted to my morning beverage. Coffee, I had decided earlier on. Now I wasn’t so sure whether it should be that or to go in for my usual drink – Tea. Afterall, we are so famously a tea-drinking nation. Also, tea is for that single, old lady sitting by the window side, stroking their cat while reminiscing about their charming beauty back in the day and their solitude because of lost opportunities. That was a future version of me. And if was Tea that I would prefer, then why not Green Tea – the healthier version. “Urghh, Choices… choices.. choices!” I muttered. And lo and behold, I already had my article in place. The bulb was lit. The hammer had struck.

So, that’s when I relegated the dark, depressing “Regret” to another day and decided to write about Choices instead. Because, isn’t that the bane of our existence. The choices we make lead us to live our lives the way we do.


A budding painter chooses to pursue Engineering over Art. A young bride chooses to resign herself to domesticity and gives up her promising career. All our lives, the choices we make define us, take us to different paths. The reasons are always different. “Engineering is the “in” thing.” or “I can’t dissapoint my parents.” or even the banal “What will the world say.”  Sometimes, those choices may turn out just right. Sometimes, we make the wrong ones and realize it soon enough. Sometimes, we live with the burden of our choices only to regret it all our lives.


Regret – aah, well.. that’s for another day.

No Comments
  • emily
    Posted at 11:44h, 05 November Reply

    Great post. I have been thiking about this a fair bit recently, and realise that perhaps I should have made better choices, but you do what you do at the time. Hindsight doesn’t help whatsoever because it’s easy to lose a life to regret and guilt about your choices. I don’t like it when people say they didn’t have a choice, because absolutely all have options, no matter what the situation. Part of that (a big part) is how you view that choice, if you see things as positive they will be positive, if you see things as negative they will be negative.

    • WanderingSoul2015
      Posted at 11:56h, 05 November Reply

      So True… also, when you made that choice, you did the best you could. so let it be now. You may make another choice now , in retrospection but regretting isn’t gonna help. Just move on. 🙂

  • MeilaniM
    Posted at 15:53h, 14 November Reply

    Your writing is so easy to read. I’m not one who often enjoys introspective pieces – I usually prefer stories that help me forget the challenges of the day rather than ponder them. But your words are so easy to consume, like a pudding (the American kind, chocolate) that slips so smoothly across the palette and tastes sweet and delicious along the way. Those past wrong choices are lessons that help us make the right choices from here on out. Without those lessons and experiences, we would just make the same mistakes over and over again. With them, we become wiser. So don’t regret. Learn, and be grateful you are better prepared for the next choice that comes along 🙂

    • Wandering Soul
      Posted at 23:26h, 14 November Reply

      oh my… that is easily the most flattering thing i’ve heard about my writing. thanks soo much 🙂

  • Olive Ole
    Posted at 09:38h, 25 March Reply

    Sounds like a good idea to stick to certain routines even when you don’t have to. I will have to get into that right after easter when I have done my last shift in my current job. My aim is to write – so I better get it done 🙂

    But, for the sake of disagreeing (and you did invite me to disagree with you ;-p) I must say that coffee makes far better morning-drink than tea. Espescially green tea. I don’t understand the point of green tea, its tasteless, so why even bother! No, give me my coffee. No coffee – no talkie 🙂

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