A Journal Entry

In an attempt to connect with the newbie writer in me again, I do these writing courses on and off. Not because I feel I don’t write well enough but because I feel it is important to go back to basics every now and then. Why do I write? How do I become better? What is it that I can do to push myself out of the comfort zones?

As a Creative Writing Coach, these are not just questions I insist my students and workshop participants ask themselves but ones that I ask myself too, time and again.

During one of these courses, the instructor Joyce Carol Oates spoke about the importance of maintaining a journal. I am not someone who has followed this ‘oft-repeated by many authors and writers’ writing advice very well, but since I was again on the journey of rediscovering the writer in me, I dug out my old journal with the intention of reviving the habit of journaling.

Imagine my surprise when I discover something that I wrote long ago and find immense meaning in it in the present moment – exactly what Oates had spoken about when she said you may come something you wrote long ago and connect with it differently now.

I certainly do not remember in what context I wrote this. I don’t consider myself much of a poet too. (If you need proof of my pathetic poetic attempts, all you need to do is read the open letter I wrote to Poetry) But because friends insisted that I share this (read threatened me with dire consequences if I didn’t!), and I’ve been meaning to resume blogging too, here it is: a poem I wrote I know not when but which I take much joy in reading and sharing with you now. Do let me know what you think of it.

 A tear here,
 A fear there.
 All connected
 but living in solitude.

 Exploring the meaning,
 and it’s fortitude.
 Succeeding and failing,
 each time learning,
 lessons that stood
 longer than the test of time.

 Or maybe forgotten the day after.
 Only for it all to come again
 like uninvited guests visiting.

 Those tears here,
 These fears there. 

Do you maintain a journal? What do you like writing about in it? Do share your thoughts and comments via the box below.

Featured Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

  • pamkirst2014
    Posted at 17:30h, 29 October Reply

    This seems especially pertinent in these days of isolation and worry! I need to come back to it and read it again.

    Joyce Carol Oates was one of the first authors I read in a very new women’s lit class in the 1970’s. I discovered she had set many of her books in Chautauqua County, where I grew up, and have read many of her books as a result. She is prolific–amazingly so!

    I write morning pages every morning, and keep a more formal journal less regularly…but usually write in it at least twice a week. The first just purges whatever’s top-of-head, and the second is a place for nuggets that might or might not turn into something else… I very seldom revisit them, but now I think I might!

    • Piyusha Vir
      Posted at 11:08h, 30 October Reply

      Thank you, Pam! I am really enjoying the course, although I haven’t read any of her books.
      Chautauqua County sound so picturesque. That’s such a wonderful and personal connection to have with a celebrated author. I’ll surely check out her books too now that you recommend her.

      I am only now discovering the joys of writing in a journal. It is even more fun than a gratitude journal. You should definitely revisit and even share some of those writings if you’re comfortable.

      Thank you for visiting and reading. 🙂

  • Srishti Rajeev
    Posted at 12:56h, 02 November Reply

    I have a journal and try write everyday. Sunday, I usually summarise the week. Also I make it a point to write every important event, be it a good time spent with family, or a delicious meal prepared, a work related gowth or a meeting that went on way too better than my expectation, w.r.t motherhood, my son, his trips, his competitions, film tickets celotaped, a lot of crazy stuff goes into my so -called journal. I once got an invite to a pet’s birthday. The birthday card was beautifully made. I have that too. These things remind you of the good times and when happy, thoughts flow for me.
    I cannot write when I am sad.

    • Piyusha Vir
      Posted at 12:43h, 03 November Reply

      True, they become such happy memories when you look back later. Writing on Sunday as a week-long summary is a great idea! I’ll try that too. Sometimes I struggle to write too when I’m sad. Other times I just pour my anger out. So far, I’ve really enjoyed writing in journal. Thank you for sharing your experience with me.

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