I have myself unfollowed a few blogs for various reasons. And I'm sure others may have unfollowed me too. Mick explains it perfectly. Comments left enabled here as I am keen to know what you think. But do visit the original blog too. :)...
Some great tips on blogging. :) Comments disabled here. Head to the original post for the whole article and share some love. Featured in 'From Around the World'....
'Wandering Soul - Conversations with an Alien!' has wandered over to a new address in the virtual world. If you are following the blog already and are seeing this message, you need not do anything about it. If you have bookmarked the blog, there's a little effort...
Nine months ago I was unemployed. A day later I was a blogger and wrote my first blog post. And thanks to you all, I've started to believe in myself as a 'Writer' and that there may be some future for me as an 'Author'. Random doubts still plague me. Is what I've written interesting and impactful? Does it make the reader laugh (or cry)? Is the grammar correct? Is the story well narrated?