When travelling to a foreign country, language can be a major issue, especially if you need to communicate with locals. This can be particularly scary if you the locals are illiterate or unfamiliar with foreign accents. Once you reach you hotel, have the hotel staff write...

This is Part III of a continued series. Read Part I -Lost and Part II - Memories. However, feel free to read it on its own too. :) Anaisha pulled the door open, and warmly welcomed her guests in. Each of them was carrying a huge packet, which they...

[caption id="attachment_3464" align="aligncenter" width="393"]Santa (incahootwithboots) Santa takes a break, in a mall in Oregon, USA. Image Courtesy Sabine Ramage[/caption] Bun Karyudo (a friend and fellow blogger) says, "Posts about Christmas are expected blogger fare. It’s as much a part of the Yuletide season as wrapping paper and reindeer poo." So, here it is. My own voice added to those of many others, writing and talking about Christmas.

This is Part II of a previously ongoing story. Read Part I here - Lost.
Tring … Tring! She ignored the ringing telephone, as she concentrated on the task at hand. Her brow furrowed, as she chewed her lower lip, the pen in her hand poised in the air, following each written line. She couldn’t find anything amiss. Finally, she picked up the telephone receiver. “27," announced a voice on the other end, before she could say anything. “48,” she replied, staring at the ceiling. “Ha, I win!” “That’s not fair. I solved it, just a few seconds later probably.” “Nope, you picked up the phone late. Besides, you got it wrong,” he said knowingly and continued. "Tomorrow, samosas (a popular Indian snack, stuffed with spicy potato filling and deep fried) and tea are on you,” he chuckled.