Indian Railways is the largest single-entity employer in India, and the eight largest in the world. This is a fascinating fun fact for those not familiar with the length and breadth of the railway tracks in the country. For those of us who have actually spent most of our summer vacations travelling across that length and breadth it would probably be evidentiary–and we would probably react with a knowing ‘Obviously!’

At a Women Writers' Fest sometime earlier this year, I met this wonderful author and award-winning writer - Kiran Manral - who I admire greatly but had only interacted with on Facebook. Kiran published her first book, The Reluctant Detective, in 2011. Since then, she has published eight books across genres till date, out which I have (unfortunately!) read only one -  All Aboard, which is a breezy fun romance novel that I really enjoyed. Obviously, I was looking for a chance to get her to share some writing tips with me. When I met her at the day-long festival, I had hoped for a chance to interact with her more personally. But unfortunately, the opportunity did not present itself. 

(contd from here) ‘Thank you, Aru!’ Aradhana exclaimed. ‘It such a beautiful painting! Where did you learn to draw the giraffe like this? My god, you’re learning things faster than I can cope up.’ She admired the card in an exaggerated display of love and appreciation. Aryanka’s...