Mother - the word conjures up many images in our mind, a multitude of emotions, a plethora of memories for each of us. Some of you may even have had two mothers; one, the biological mother you owe our life to and one, who raised you and loved you - a granny, or a trusted housekeeper or even an aunt - like her own children.

A few months ago, a close friend had said this about me: “Give her any prompt and she dives right into it; writing in full flow.” At the time I had simply laughed and brushed it off. But her words came to mind yesterday after I completed the first assignment at the Interactive Flash Fiction Workshop organized by Wrimo India, the India chapter of NaNoWriMo. Published author Rochelle Potkar was our instructor. We had been given a few preparatory assignments to complete ahead of the workshop. I, being the lazy bum, foolishly thought it was okay to ignore them and decided to wing it. Closer to the appointed time, however, fear gripped me. (Those who know me will know of my chronic problem of self-doubts.) What if nothing came to mind just then, I wondered. With just a few minutes left before the workshop, I hurried through the assignment. I jotted down the details quickly.

Love is hard. It always has been so. Life, not so much. 

Why then do we make things complicated and take love to be the easy bit while making our own lives difficult through our actions and decisions? What makes us not take the challenges that life throws at us seriously enough and instead add more of our own.

I recently caught up with a friend of mine, who was visiting Delhi for a couple of days. We had met a few months ago and hit it off instantly. This was the second time we were meeting and although we were no school time besties, it didn't take long for us to open up to each other and share our thoughts uninhibitedly.

Camp NaNoWriMo began on April 1st and with it started my attempt to write a novel. I have no idea how it's done. I've been writing for about 6 months now. I started with a few prompts from Writing101 and from there ventured in writing short pieces of fiction, among other genres. A few of my fiction (and humour) pieces were well received and BAM!! I declared myself to be the 'Writer of the Year'. With the experience of only a short stories and a few non-ficton articles, I was still a novice. And yet, this March I decided to attempt a novel. Self-doubts, notwithstanding. Currently, I'm up to 5000 Words. I've given myself a target of 10,000 words. And it's just the 6th of April. I have ample time to complete the rest. That's what anyone would think. Maybe, even me. But no! I don't have ample time. Deduct the 4 days I'll be out on a family vacation, remove a few days of travel fatigue, laziness, sickness and binge-watching TV shows and I have just a day or two over two weeks. Which scares me a lot.